Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I have heard Christians talk about GPS (God’s Positioning System) in several ways. CBN had a great article

But this week, God’s Positioning System appeared when I was speaking to a good friend who’s looking at the world through different eyes. She sees that the world is changing. Things that didn’t used to be acceptable are now the norm and lines between right or wrong have been blurred. 

I try to see things analytically and I typically use science along with a healthy dose of my faith to find answers. 

I think it’s all a matter of GPS. 

God gave us a conscience and that’s our internal GPS. He gave us an unwavering little voice in our heart that knows what is right and what is wrong. Some would argue that all those tendencies are taught. But I would disagree.  Even the smallest of children understand the idea of fairness and that hurting someone is wrong. They may lash out in anger, but they blush when called on it. 

So there’s something “built in.” It comes naturally. We can even see it in movies and literature. We cheer with the hero when he makes a valiant effort to save someone (because we innately know the value of life) and we mourn with them when they make destructive decisions (that usually take them away from their path to success or happiness). It isn’t something we’re taught. It’s innate. 

Science has its own idea of conscience and the fields of psychology and psychiatry are testaments to it. However, they exclude the idea that there’s a God because it’s a “science.” Once again, if we would just marry the idea that science and faith belong together we could see “conscience” in a whole different light. (BTW: These two fields do have ethics policies… where those ethics come from?)

So why do we feel that black and white has turned to gray? Perhaps we see that we’ve stopped following the little voice inside that tell us what is wrong and what is right. Instead, we tell ourselves to ignore it and just “do what is best for me.” Which typically starts out great then tapers off. Those things we thought were best end up creating unhappiness. Unhappiness leads us down two different roads. Justification and/or denial. 

Justification is rampant when “celebrating” the compromises we think will make us happy. Hey, if I make bad choices, you can too! As a matter of fact I appreciate your rotten choice because it makes me feel better about myself.

Denial is different. When we are unhappy, denial drives us to turn to something to comfort or fulfill us. Those "comforts" deceive us into thinking that they are helping, when really all they are doing is squelching the voice of truth inside. Denial comes in many forms: gambling, drugs, overeating, excess shopping, too much time on video games or the internet, sex addictions, etc. All provide temporary relief but have negative long term effects. We usually end up more lost and more incomplete than when we started. 

What does this have to do with GPS? It’s all in the destination.

My car’s GPS has to have a destination. It has to have some place to go. When I’m tired or when I’m finished I tell it to “Go Home.”

It’s no different with our internal GPS. “Home” is that hole in your heart, that need for what you are lacking. God created us with that longing. It’s a longing for Him, for Home, for Heaven. That longing cannot be filled by someone or by something. In the end, it is all transient. Life is short. But there is more…and for some reason, we internally grasp that there is more than this life. Why? Internal GPS.

We have choices with GPS. We can follow our own directions (or as my car’s GPS says, “recalculating”) or we can follow the direct route. There’s no doubt I’ve taken many of my own routes, detours and dead ends. But the times when I’ve been truly happy, is when I listen to my internal GPS. 

God’s got my back if I will let Him. In fact, He left instructions in my GPS.


Gabreill said...

theology is not in any religion. it's created by the people. Jesus used to have a family. The mixture of science and divine studies

Loretta Oakes said...

Hi Gabriell!

Theology as defined by the Webster dictionary is : the study of religious faith, practice, and experience; especially : the study of God and of God's relation to the world ...

Another definition is: The study of the nature of God and religious belief.

So I'm not sure what you are trying to get at with your first sentence. Could you explain it further? Because if I choose to study the nature of God and religious belief, then it becomes part of my faith, which in turn is then folded into my "religion."

Yes! Jesus "used to" and still does have a family. Not sure what you are getting at there.

What about the mixture of science and divine studies? Please let me know. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Gabreill said...

oh i sorry i took theology in terms in terms of theocracy.
I beg your pardon for that. My country is having elections ( Independent) after very long time. so once again sorry for that.

i wanted to know that why is their a huge separation of church and common people. A pope, pastor, why they cannot have a family when Jesus had. It's like solitary confinement, And it's only in christanity.

Loretta Oakes said...


What country are you in that you are having elections? That's great!

I'm not sure what you mean when you say Jesus had a family. He had a mother, a Divine Father and a earthly foster father. But he never married. The Catholic tradition takes the celibate stance for priests because you cannot serve two masters. If you are married, then your vocation is to your wife and family. If you are a priest, your vocation is to constantly serve a bigger family, the Christian family. Something that is not mentioned is the divorce rate of Christian pastors is extremely high. Why? Because a pastor needs to take care of his sheep, but cannot do that if he has to take care of his family, something will suffer. So how do you choose who will suffer?

Also, the middle ages proved very well how married priests bring in other issues. When the priests married, then they had a family to provide for, which meant they needed money. How to get money? Well, desperation brought the selling of indulgences which is completely wrong and off the map of what Christianity is all about. That corrupt behavior cause a rift in the Church that still stands today.

But you speak to something else. Solitary confinement. If a priest feels he's in solitary confinement, I would question whether that is his true vocation or not. When you are one with the Lord, He becomes your spouse. Religious nuns also choose to be celibate, their spouse being the Lord as well. From my personal experience, I know I am closest to the Lord when I am with Him one on one. NO PERSON could ever fill the hole that is destined for God. No one will ever be your everything. Only God can love that completely. Is that type of life a sacrifice? Absolutely. Is it solitary confinement? Not if it is a true vocation. Christ never married. He understood his time on Earth was short and he had a lot to accomplish. True priests choose to live that same way because they want to dedicate themselves and others to the Lord. Our time here on earth is short. We need to make the most of it. Just out of curiosity, since you are able to be on the internet, have you seen pictures of Pope Francis? Does he look like he's in solitary confinement? :)

I hope that helps.

Thanks again for engaging and stopping by.

Gabreill said...

eeinior Dear Loretta,
Yes, if a priest has a father and mother- why they cannot have a full family( Just like muslim Priests who are also active in their daily life E.g Every muslim is a priest of their religion though) and why Nuns have to celibate when jesus mother Hadn't.

These things are unnatural Priest and Nuns are human too. They have desires

Thanks for answering in this polite manner

The country is Pakistan(Notorious or Famous ?).

Loretta Oakes said...


I'm afraid you are missing my point about being celibate...or perhaps I haven't been clear.

Celibacy is a choice. It is a decision by which one chooses to focus completely on God instead of another human. It is not unnatural. It is a decision. Everyone has desires, but how we reign those in, how we use them can be either natural or unnatural. Being celibate is a way to simplify one's life. I'm sure you know that when we fall in love or infatuation, all our time is spent on that one person. It leaves little room for God.

On your other topics. You seem to be comparing Jesus with priests and Mary with nuns. I reject that idea...I don't think it holds as much merit in Christianity as you think. Christians believe that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus. And though the Bible uses the word "brothers" to say that Jesus had family, there is no Aramaic word for blood brothers versus cousins, etc. Jesus chose to focus on his message to humanity versus taking on a family. It was very selfless.

Notorious or Famous? I cannot say, but I pray for your country and its people every day! Blessings to you!

Does this help?

Loretta Oakes said...

Dear Gabriell:

Something else I was thinking of that I wanted to share with you.

You used the word desire. You are right, we all desires. Rightly focused desires are positive and have positive effects. Misaligned desires may start out seemingly positive, but even sexual desires can be selfish when not properly considering the other person. Every desire should be properly lifted toward God. When they are not, then we drift (or if they are extreme even rip us) from God who should be our number one priority. There are monks that are not Christian, but of other religions, that take the same vow of celibacy simply because they are trying to choose a higher consciousness and human desires distract from that.

I hope that makes more sense with what you are referring to. I think in general there is a bigger picture or perspective than perhaps you are considering, but I could be wrong. I think honest prayer...asking God directly...would help you. Maybe?

I am glad you consider our conversations to be polite. I do too!

Keep it going. I'm enjoying it.
