Sunday, October 11, 2009

Poor Design Part 1

I saw an orthopedic doctor last week to help me address the nagging problem I probably received from all my years of volleyball and softball. As the doc was explaining the issue, he showed me how the different muscles and tendons moved. Twice he said, “We’re poorly designed.”

The first time I heard this I ignored it as a slip of the tongue. When he said it again it hit me right between the eyes. Do all doctors think we’re “poorly designed?” The fact that we get diseases or broken bones or encounter arthritis or a multitude of infirmities, does that make us weak?

To me, the fact that we can move at all, shows tremendous thought in our design. The idea that I can think about moving my fingers across my keyboard to write this blog means that I am more than just a poorly designed creature. I am human.

What is a human? We could go on and on about the myriad of definitions of what it means to be human, but what would we accomplish? We know we have a form, we are body, mind and spirit, we have a conscience, etc.

What if we asked a different question? What if we asked, “What does it mean to be human?” Now that question could take some time to answer. What do you think?

Has the human condition benefited from science and medicine? Undoubtedly, yes! For a long time we’ve realized that the practice of medicine is not enough. If we are body, mind and spirit, then we need to address our spirit in order to keep us whole.

Science has regrettably left out half of the story, which in turn leaves the facts of the human condition sterile and cold. The fact is there is no redemption in medicine.

Dr. John Bruchalski agrees. “What happens in medicine is that science and technology bring progress; they don't bring redemption. The only person who brings redemption is Christ. So if you can't tie the two together, you're lost.”

Without redemption there is fear. Again, this doctor reminds us the truth. “What happens is, science and medicine have literally confined faith into the realm of private experience. And by making it private, it deprives the world of hope. The answer to fear is ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’”

Visit next week when we look at why pain exists and we address our “poor design.” In the meantime, share what you think it means to be human. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Jan Parrish said...

Poorly designed? Ouch. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Not poorly designed.

How is the shoulder. I have a similar issue.

Loretta Oakes said...


Shoulder is fine now. Doing exercises and such.

Thanks for asking.